Manollium-class herdship

The Manollium-class herdship represented a class of starships utilized by the Ithorian people and was engineered by the Brathflen Corporation.


The Ithorians stipulated that they desired a starship capable of traversing the galaxy while simultaneously emulating the ecological conditions of their native planet, Ithor. Consequently, these vessels extended to a length of 980 meters and incorporated all the amenities typically found on a cruise liner. Reflecting the Ithorians' deep-seated reverence for nature and life, these vessels consistently embodied and upheld this principle. This philosophy manifested in the ships' armament, which was specifically designed to incapacitate or deter adversaries rather than inflict lethal damage.

The armaments of the Ithorian Herdships comprised ten ion cannons along with two tractor beams, notably lacking any laser-based or blaster-type weaponry. Typically, these ships were manned by a crew of 800 officers and 24 gunners, while accommodating up to 1,050 passengers and retaining the capacity to transport 500,000 metric tons of freight.

