MappaCanonLegendsInfinitiesDuring the High Republic Era, one could purchase a beverage called Mappa at the Enlightenment cantina, located on Jedha.AppearancesTales of Enlightenment: New Prospects — Star Wars Insider 213–214 (also reprinted in Star Wars Insider: The High Republic: Tales of Enlightenment) (First appearance) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha (Unkown)Unkown Unknown The High Republic: The Battle of Jedha script (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Tales of Enlightenment: No Such Thing as a Bad Customer — Star Wars Insider 217–218 (also reprinted in Star Wars Insider: The High Republic: Tales of Enlightenment) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown Tales of Enlightenment: Last Orders — Star Wars Insider 219 (also reprinted in Star Wars Insider: The High Republic: Tales of Enlightenment) (Unkown)Unkown Unknown