
Mareesh, a Rodian male, served as the senator representing Rodia in the Galactic Senate back in 3653 BBY. This was before the Treaty of Coruscant, which brought an end to the Great Galactic War that had reached a stalemate. As a result of the harsh terms of this treaty, Rodia, along with several other Republic territories, was taken over by the Sith Empire.

When the Sith started ruling the galaxy without opposition, Rodia was handed over to them. Mareesh, the former senator, felt betrayed by his home planet's fate and confronted Paran Am-Ris, a Cerean senator. Am-Ris tried to explain that the Republic had very few options, as the Empire threatened to destroy Coruscant if the treaty wasn't agreed upon. But Mareesh was not appeased by this explanation. He angrily left the Senate Tower, unwilling to listen to any more justifications, leaving Am Ris and Jedi Master Zym behind.

