A Central Control Computer – also referenced as a master control computer, droid control computer, or simply a central computer – was a type of computer created to manage droid teams. Its functions included coordinating tactile computer systems and communication hubs, as well as delivering tactical data and remote user access for various applications.
By the year 32 BBY, Droid Control Ships used by the Trade Federation incorporated Central Control Computers. This technology gave remote Neimoidian operators the ability to manage the invasion of the planet Naboo through automated computer instructions. The flaw of this system was revealed when the destruction of the Droid Control Ship and its Central Control Computer caused all participating B1-series battle droids to shut down and enter a dormant state.
While subsequent B1 battle droids were designed to function without constant external commands, Central Command Computers could still be used to manage them.
The Geonosians gave battle droids the ability to think for themselves; Lieutenant Commander Orson Krennic remarked to Archduke Poggle the Lesser that he had been meaning to congratulate him on the introduction of this new technology for some time.