The mayor of Sernpidal City, a senior Human male, held office in 25 ABY. During the Mission to Sernpidal, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Anakin Solo landed on Sernpidal, whereupon the mayor greeted them and explained that Sernpidal's moon, Dobido, was gradually being drawn into the planet due to an unidentifiable force.
The mayor went with Anakin Solo as he attempted to pinpoint the origin of Dobido's gravitational attraction. Upon discovering that a dovin basal was responsible for pulling Dobido toward the planet, the mayor leaped into the hole with a thermal detonator, eliminating both himself and the creature. Despite Solo's warning that destroying the dovin basal would not prevent the planet's destruction, the mayor was adamant, stating that he wanted to guarantee the creature would not survive the planet's demise. Solo regarded this as a commendable act of self-sacrifice.