Merging potion

Merging potions, a creation of Nightsister magicks, were a type of potion. The potion, characterized by its green hue, served to re-establish a Force-bond between two individuals by merging them. In the year 2 BBY, Maul, previously a Sith Lord, dedicated himself to researching the creation of this merging potion. Subsequently, he transported Ezra Bridger, a Jedi apprentice, to the planet Dathomir with the intention of them consuming the potion to forge their own Force-bond. Maul completed the potion's preparation before Bridger and communicated that both of them were required to ingest it. Bridger, motivated by his desire to discover the means of destroying the Sith, consumed the potion with the hope of uncovering this secret. Conversely, Maul's intention was to ascertain the whereabouts of his long-time enemy, Obi-Wan Kenobi, formerly a Jedi Master. Upon drinking the concoction, a Force-bond was established between them. As their eyes emitted a green glow, Maul experienced a vision of a desert planet illuminated by twin suns, while Bridger perceived the indistinct form of Master Kenobi. Following the conclusion of their shared vision, they were assailed by two Nightsister Spirits, prompting Maul to reveal that the spirits required a sacrifice of flesh and blood in return for their aid.

