Mich Flenn, a male Human, spent his later years as the proprietor of a long-standing bar on Nar Shaddaa. Earlier in life, he made a living as a smuggler. After accumulating sufficient funds, he purchased a modest bar, the Blue Light, situated in the Corellian Sector.
In his advanced years, Flenn was regarded as both seasoned and eccentric. He excelled as a bartender and possessed an inexhaustible supply of tall tales, which may or may not have been factual. By way of illustration, he would recount accounts of sentient entities with extraordinary abilities, which could allude to either Jedi or Sith. He also shared narratives with Han Solo concerning Ood Bnar and the Iron Knights. It was frequently suggested that he reach out to entertainment industry professionals to share his stories, as they held the potential to be adapted into exceptional holofilms.