Having successfully escaped the Hoth system, a trio of scattered transports meet at the agreed-upon location to strategize their next move. Unfortunately, Imperial forces were able to track one GR-75's sensor readings to the rendezvous point. As the Imperial ambush unfolds, the Rebels disperse, hoping that most of the assembled forces will survive the ordeal.
Rebel: Utilize 3 GR-75s (each equipped with Combat Retrofit), with a total of 200 squad points. For each GR-75, the total cost of all Upgrade cards equipped to that ship is reduced by 10 (down to a minimum of 0).
Imperial: 250 Squad points are available for the Imperial forces.
The battlefield measures 4' x 3'. The long sides of the play area represent each player's respective edge.
The Rebel player positions their GR-75 ships within the designated play area. Each GR-75 must be touching the Rebel edge, and must not be within Range 1-2 of a neutral edge.
The Imperial player then places four hyperspace tokens along their edge. Each hyperspace token must be placed at a distance greater than Range 3 from any other hyperspace token.
Next, the Imperial player divides their ships into four distinct groups. The ships should be distributed as evenly as possible among the groups, disregarding squad point cost. Each group is then placed in the play area, within Range 1 of a different hyperspace token.
After that, the Rebel player positions the remaining ships within Range 1-3 of the Rebel edge.
The Imperial player then removes one hyperspace token from the play area. For each remaining hyperspace token, the Imperial player assigns the corresponding group token to a different GR-75.
The Rebel player has the first turn.