Mission to Felucia (Offee and Zonder)

Near the conclusion of the Clone Wars, a crucial mission unfolded on the planet of Felucia.

The Arrival of Commerce Guild Leaders

Shu Mai, the President of the Commerce Guild, was traveling aboard her starship when she received word that they were about to land on Felucia, the location of her private holdings. Gossam Mai instructed the pilot to arrange for her administratrix to meet them at the executive landing platform. Upon landing, the administratrix hurried to greet her, mentioning her unexpected early return. Mai responded that her return was strictly business and inquired about the status of their operations. The administrator confirmed that they had started the iterative asset transfer protocol and had limited all non-financial communications as instructed.

She then questioned Mai about her meeting with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Shu Mai explained that Darth Sidious had ordered the entire Separatist Council to be placed under General Grievous's personal protection for the remainder of the conflict. Mai noted that Grievous was preparing to seize an Outer Rim world to serve as a refuge for the Council, and he would soon provide her with rendezvous coordinates. As they entered a speeder, Mai's administratrix commented on Grievous's numerous victories against the Republic, suggesting that the Separatist leaders would be safest under his protection.

However, the Commerce Guild President countered that Grievous was a warrior at heart, and his need to hide would indicate a desperate situation for the Confederacy. Shu Mai revealed that Grievous had attributed the fall of the Gossam homeworld to Count Dooku's master plan, but she felt as though the Commerce Guild was being treated as expendable. The administratrix suggested that the Commerce Guild's wealth would ensure support from the Confederacy. Shu Mai retorted that Felucia was destined to fall regardless, and she vowed to protect her wartime profits at all costs.

The Undertaking

Meanwhile, from the nearby executive landing platform, Jedi Knights Barriss Offee and the Selonian Padawan Zonder, posing as aid workers, were observing the speeder. Offee realized that the Commerce Guild President had finally returned to her holdings and insisted that they immediately inform the Jedi Council. She instructed Zonder to locate a secure location for transmission. Zonder pointed out that off-world communications were restricted and that their signal would be detected, but Barriss Offee dismissed the concern.

Shortly after, as Offee attempted to contact the Jedi Council on Coruscant, their disguise was compromised; several B1-Series battle droids approached them. Offee reminded Zonder that, as they were undercover, they were unarmed. The battle droids then advanced on them, but Zonder managed to disable them all. The Jedi fled towards the nearest transmission facility, which happened to be the executive landing platform.

As several Hunter-Seeker droids appeared, Jedi Master Barriss Offee instructed Zonder to split up and meet at the landing platform. The Selonian began destroying the Hunter-Seekers and launched one into the air. The burning droid fell towards two young Gossam who were playing nearby. Reacting instantly, Barriss Offee used the Force to save them, attracting the attention of several B1 battle droids. The droids surrounded her, raised their blasters, and demanded her surrender. Zonder then jumped in and destroyed two of the battle droids. His master stopped him, saying that there would be another opportunity. The two Jedi then surrendered.

Production Notes

This confrontation occurs in 19 BBY. It is important to remember that in 20 BBY the Padawan, Barriss Offee was apprehended on Coruscant after she falsely accused Anakin Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, of murdering the criminal Letta Turmond.

