Mission to Kwenn Space Station

In the year 0 ABY, General Jan Dodonna dispatched three pilots from the Rebel Alliance's Rogue Flight—specifically, Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, and Wes Janson—on a quest. Their mission: to acquire data concerning infrequently traveled hyperlanes at Kwenn Space Station, crucial for locating a new Rebel base.

While at the station, the three members of Rogue Squadron observed Imperial stormtroopers commandeering the Action VI transport known as Stellar Manx, which led them to initiate an inquiry. One of the Rogues successfully liberated the freighter's personnel. Subsequently, when the Imperials piloted the stolen ship into space, the same Rogue managed to infiltrate it and guide it back to the station without incident.

The Rogues were disheartened to discover that the Empire had modified several of the station's trade routes heading through the Outer Rim. However, they also uncovered information regarding Imperial schemes on the planet Bonadan, which then motivated the crew of the Millennium Falcon to launch their own investigation.

