Kyle Katarn embarked on a journey to Talay, a planet situated within the Mid Rim, following the destruction of the Rebel Tak Base by a currently unidentified enemy. Subsequent to the mission's completion, the Rebel Alliance uncovered that the Empire's Dark Trooper Project bore responsibility for the devastating event.
Following the attack on Tak Base, an incident that revealed the existence of a new breed of Imperial super-soldiers, Rebel Command gave Mon Mothma the authority to get in touch with Commander Kyle Katarn, a mercenary who had previously aided them in Operation Skyhook. They sought to enlist him to investigate the circumstances surrounding the destruction of Tak Base.
Katarn responded promptly, and after receiving the mission briefing, he insisted on being accompanied by Jan Ors to serve as his mission officer.

Upon the Moldy Crow's departure, leaving Katarn on a landing platform, his initial observation was of the ruined city settlements; the landscape was littered with the charred remains of the dead, a grim testament to the massacre. The entire city was now under the control of stormtroopers who were maintaining order.
Initially, he noticed that the entire area was without power. Defending himself against the stormtroopers, he successfully reached and reactivated the hydro-electric power generator.
With the power restored, he was then able to activate the rotating bridge linking the city to the main Tak Base. The Base had much heavier security, but Katarn made it to headquarters and discovered a discarded Imperial repeater rifle, which appeared too large for a standard Human soldier to carry. Recognizing the importance of this finding, he retrieved it and returned to his ship.