Mission to Trenchant space station

The Mission to Trenchant space station represents a conflict that took place during the Clone Wars, involving Asajj Ventress, Durge, and General Grievous.

The mission

Durge is defeated by Grievous.

Count Dooku dispatched Asajj Ventress and the Gen'Dai bounty hunter Durge to Space Station Trenchant. However, the true intention of this assignment was to determine who would be the next Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies. The cyborg, General Grievous, was also in contention for this position.

Ventress and Durge began their assignment, encountering each other at the trophy room, which held Jedi robes and lightsabers. Grievous then appeared, armed with an electrostaff, and initially defeated Durge. Subsequently, Asajj engaged Grievous in combat, but she too was defeated.

The two then joined forces, with Asajj employing her paired lightsabers and Durge utilizing his complete arsenal, including his energized bolas. After Asajj dislodged the electrostaff, they appeared to have the upper hand. Nevertheless, Grievous was far from subdued and revealed his lightsabers. Using his lightsaber skills, he swiftly overcame both of them.


Due to his victory, Grievous was given the role of Commander of the Separatist Droid Army.

