The MN-2E general maintenance droid was designed for cleaning ceilings that were too high to reach by conventional means. Standing at approximately 1 meter, these droids were equipped with four arms and a repulsorlift engine. They found widespread use in opulent structures like the grand Imperial Palace, where they were tasked with polishing windows and pruning tree limbs. These droids were a common sight in many Imperial facilities, such as Mount Tantiss and the first Death Star, and were also utilized by private citizens. Their sensitive manipulators and magnifying visual scanners enabled them to conduct intricate, precise, and delicate repairs. Furthermore, they carried low-energy cutting and welding lasers.

There was an instance where The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook incorrectly referred to this model as the "MN-2D."
Although The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook and The Essential Guide to Droids depict the MN-2E as a hovering, non-humanoid design, the Death Star Technical Companion portrayed and detailed the model as somewhat humanoid in form and relying on treaded wheels for movement. Notably, the illustration of this particular model featured in the Death Star Technical Companion was later repurposed in The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook to depict the M38-series explorer droid.