Molo Himron

Major Molo Himron was a male human who served the Galactic Empire within the ranks of the Imperial Army. Moreover, he functioned as an operative for Imperial Intelligence. His selection for service within Intelligence was personally made by Emperor Palpatine, who recognized his unique skillset, his ruthless nature, and his capacity for calculated thought.


Early life

Himron was viewed as the quintessential Intelligence operative, possessing no defining characteristics and demonstrating an exceptional ability to seamlessly integrate into any given situation. He outlasted all other operatives in both combat scenarios and "hard target" operations, and he possessed unwavering loyalty to the Galactic Empire.

Joining Thrawn

Following the Empire's fragmentation, he remained alive and subsequently aligned himself with Grand Admiral Thrawn's forces circa 9 ABY.

Mission to Coruscant

Himron received an assignment within the Imperial Army and commanded an assault team dispatched to Coruscant with the objective to capture Leia Organa Solo along with her children.

Himron, and another operative.

The assault was unsuccessful due to the intervention of Mara Jade. Although Himron survived, the doctors within the Palace's medical facilities were uncertain about his long-term prospects for survival.

