The satellite of Alderaan was a celestial body that revolved around the world of Alderaan.
During the times of both the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire, the Core World of Alderaan had one satellite in orbit around the world. The light from this moon brightened the planet at night, offering illumination for thranta pilots such as a young Leia Organa, the Princess of Alderaan.
Sometime following 7 BBY, the Death Star space station destroyed Alderaan in 0 BBY. This destruction of Alderaan resulted in the moon being shattered, and its remnants now circle the asteroid belt called the Graveyard. Shortly after this event, the young Jedi Luke Skywalker and the smuggler Han Solo mistakenly thought the asteroid field was a moon in the Alderaan system.
Later on, Leia Organa mentioned the moon when expressing her annoyance to Mon Mothma, her Rebel Alliance commander.
Although the 1976 adaptation of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope suggests that Alderaan lacked a moon, The Illustrated Star Wars Universe from 1995 and "The Princess Leia Diaries" from 2002 both showed a moon above the planet. In 2003, Coruscant and the Core Worlds, a roleplaying game supplement by Wizards of the Coast, contradicted itself by stating that Alderaan had no moons, while also saying that the moon's fragments circled the Graveyard. The Essential Atlas from 2009 then confirmed that Alderaan did have a moon, as did the novel The Old Republic: Deceived from 2011 and the Star Wars 12 comic from 2013.