Morseerians were a sapient race who originated from the world of Merj.
Hailing from the planet Merj, Morseerians were a sapient species characterized by their distinctive features: elongated, cone-shaped heads, the presence of four limbs, and a methane-based respiratory system. One notable trait of Morseerians was their inability to discern human facial features. To survive on planets with an oxygen-rich atmosphere, they required specialized suits and rebreathers. Their skin possessed a green hue, although the skin concealed by their protective garments was translucent in nature.
During the High Republic Era, a Morseerian Nihil named Chell Trambin lived. He would eventually die during the second assault on Cyclor.
During the Clone Wars, several Morseerian researchers were employed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. These included Nan Pakota and Urshe Torr. Their responsibility was to supervise the development of a bioweapon designed to target the clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic. Orson Krennic, a Lieutenant Commander in the Galactic Republic, embarked on a mission to Merj with the goal of capturing these scientists and then using them in a prisoner swap which would take place on Vallt.
Nabrun Leids, a male Morseerian, was present at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley shortly before the Battle of Yavin on the day that Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker first encountered Han Solo and Chewbacca. Years later, Leids was on Oba Diah, where he recounted the story of Skywalker and Kenobi's visit to the cantina to Karr Nuq Sin, although he could not recall the name of the planet where it happened.
The film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, released in 1977, marked the initial appearance of Morseerians. This film was the first in the Star Wars original trilogy.
The head initially created for the Rodian character was originally intended for a four-armed being known as the "Plutonian," which was later identified as a Morseerian.