A Jedi Master of the male persuasion held a position on the Jedi High Council, serving both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic throughout the Clone Wars period.
Having been trained by the Jedi Order in the use of the Force due to his inherent Force-sensitive nature, he rose to the esteemed rank of Jedi Master. As the Clone Wars raged between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, he gained a seat on the Jedi High Council, which oversaw the entire Order. While sitting on the Council, the Kaleesh cyborg General known as Grievous was exposed as the Supreme Commander of the Droid Armies. Convinced that Grievous represented a grave danger, he backed Padawan Flynn Kybo's proposal that the Order should assassinate the cyborg. However, the High Council rejected Kybo's strategy. By the time 19 BBY arrived, he was no longer serving as a member of the Council.