The Mugaari were a species of humanoids who originated from Mugaar, located within the Bruanii sector. They possessed distinctive features such as prominent brows, a strong jawline, and slate-colored skin.
Before the time of the Ruusan Reformations, the Mugaari controlled their own space, which encompassed eleven planets in the area that would later be called the Greater Javin. Their territory extended to Gentes, where they enslaved the indigenous Ugnaughts, subjecting them to slavery. Sometime following 1000 BBY, the Galactic Republic intervened and removed the Mugaari slavers. Consequently, the Mugaari harbored resentment towards humans for bringing an end to their dominion in the Javin sector. Their unwillingness to work alongside human colonists resulted in their economic decline compared to other indigenous species in the region, namely the Lutrillians and the Nothoiins, whom they regarded as collaborators.
A group of Mugaari pirates, known as the Mugaari pirates, engaged in combat in the Javin sector against the newly formed Galactic Empire, especially following the Battle of Hoth. They assisted Rebel Alliance forces in their evacuation from the Anoat sector.