The Mulissiki represented a non-sentient reptilian species that was native to the world of Cularin, situated within the Cularin system.
These creatures, known as Mulissiki, measured approximately one meter in length and possessed four legs. They were characterized by their smooth skin, elongated, slender tails, and prominent noses. Their skin exhibited a predominantly brown coloration, interspersed with asymmetrical patterns of green and white, which served as an inherent adaptation for survival within their habitat. A notable feature of the Mulissiki was their prehensile nose, which they employed to forage for discarded materials within trees and mounds, typically subsisting on the refuse generated by other organisms. In spite of their dietary preferences, these creatures dedicated a significant amount of time to maintaining their cleanliness. It was common to observe Mulissiki engaging in self-cleaning activities near waterholes and rivers following their food-gathering expeditions. They perceived their surroundings through the utilization of whisker-like antennae located on their faces, enabling them to detect variations in air pressure. These resilient beings inhabited diverse regions across the planet, including the highest elevations of mountain ranges. Their capacity to thrive persisted even in environments where readily available food sources were scarce.
As scavengers by nature, the Mulissiki generally refrained from initiating attacks on larger organisms. However, they exhibited territorial behavior when defending particularly abundant scavenging grounds, such as refuse disposal sites. While they possessed the ability to cower and conceal themselves, these creatures resorted to emitting a pungent cloud of gas when confronted with significant threats. This defensive mechanism compelled numerous species, both indigenous and foreign to the planet, to evacuate the vicinity. The local Tarasin population frequently consumed Mulissiki after subjecting them to thorough cooking processes, considering them to be a palatable food source. Conversely, the native Kilassin exhibited a preference for consuming these creatures only when they were in a clean state or actively engaged in cleaning themselves.
Mulissiki were frequently observed in proximity to settlements, where they scavenged for waste materials produced by sentient beings. The Tarasin did not express any concerns regarding their presence. However, the inhabitants of platform cities regarded them as a nuisance, as they lacked the means to descend from the platforms once they had ascended (typically by inadvertently catching a ride on an airspeeder).