
Mundokk, a Trandoshan male hailing from Wasskah's moon, operated as a bounty hunter in the early years of the Galactic Empire. Despite possessing an Imperial Peace-Keeping Certificate, it eventually fell into the hands of Bossk, a fellow Trandoshan bounty hunter. Bossk subsequently utilized this certificate to gain entry into the Imperial Enforcement DataCore located within a posting agency on the planet Lothal. Upon being asked about Mundokk's identity by the street urchin Ezra Bridger, Bossk asserted that the certificate was no longer necessary for the other hunter. Mundokk's most distinguishing feature was his severely scarred muzzle.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Mundokk occurred in Ezra's Gamble, a junior novel authored by Ryder Windham and published in 2014.

