The Mustafar panning droid, alternatively known as the droid lava collector, was a fifth-class droid that the Techno Union modified from the Kalibac Industries information cataloging droid. These panning droids were deployed on Mustafar, where they engaged in mining valuable resources from the planet's lava flows.

Initially designed for the Mid Rim Lending Network, the Kalibac librarian droid's internal intelligence matrices from factory-standard models were repurposed by Kalibac's parent organization, the Techno Union. They were placed within a replica body shell constructed of heat-resistant carbonite for use by Mustafarian miners. Manufactured on Mustafar, these droids were programmed to utilize their scanners to pinpoint minerals brought to the surface of the lava rivers via tractor beams. The panning droids were equipped with sizable collection buckets positioned beneath them to facilitate the transfer of minerals from the lava rivers to Techno Union processing facilities.
To further protect against the extreme heat, panning droids were outfitted with weak deflector shield generators, although the rate of loss to the lava rivers remained significant. The droid possessed a basic droid brain, and its directives were transmitted from the primary mining facility. Despite their high cost, these droids proved to be valuable assets, generating substantial profits through the extraction of rare heavy elements.
As the Clone Wars drew to a close, some panning droids witnessed the duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader. One droid, idly standing by, focused its photoreceptors on the duel as it unfolded across the treacherous landscape, while another became directly involved. Vader, escaping from a collapsing lava collection arm that plunged into a lavafall, jumped onto the carbonite head of a panning droid to continue his pursuit of Kenobi. Using the Force, Vader seized control of the droid's steering mechanisms, causing the unit distress and resulting in the loss of its collection bucket into the lava below.
During the Galactic Empire's rule, panning droids continued to be used on Mustafar, notably as part of a reclamation initiative managed by the Tagge Company.
Following the Battle of Yavin, a droid lava collector malfunctioned and reprogrammed other droids to serve it in a Corellian hideout. Eventually, Bane Malar and his partner destroyed it.