Mutant akk dogs in the Circus Horrificus
The mutant akk dogs represented a genetically modified subspecies derived from akk dogs that were illicitly transported from their native planet, Haruun Kal. These creatures were engineered on Nar Shaddaa and subsequently employed as a form of amusement in gladiatorial contests. It is documented that the Circus Horrificus utilized a minimum of three of these creatures for precisely this objective in 32 BBY.
One could differentiate the mutant akk dogs from their standard counterparts through several key features: a significantly higher density of spines across their heads and bodies, the addition of spikes on their chins, a decreased number of digits on their paws, and noticeably flattened facial structures. A further distinguishing characteristic was their green-colored blood, contrasting with the typical red. The characteristic armored plates of standard akk dogs seemed to have been replaced with a dense, durable, leathery skin. Despite this reduction in natural armor, their skin maintained a high level of resistance against lightsabers.
In addition to these alterations in physical form, Mace Windu observed that the mental faculties of these creatures had been so heavily modified that their sentience was diminished to that of wild beasts, and their link to the Force had been completely severed.