Muttamoks, diminutive Force-sensitive creatures, possessed a penchant for purloining diminutive, luminous items.
Muttamoks stood at a height of one meter and moved on two legs. Their bodies featured small, agile hands. Characterized by pendulous ears and expansive, expressive eyes, their fur was predominantly a reddish-brown hue, contrasted by their pale underbellies.
They exhibited a strong attraction towards radiant, gleaming objects. A muttamok would frequently embark on a quest to find such items, often resorting to theft if necessary. Upon being apprehended by the item's rightful owner, they would employ an inherent Force ability to evoke empathy, subsequently returning the pilfered item before fleeing. Their natural Force aptitude also gave them the impression of understanding others' thoughts.
Although their diet was omnivorous, muttamoks displayed a preference for fruit, which humans used in conjunction with sweets to entice them. Occasionally, a muttamok would outwit these individuals, seizing all the bait simultaneously and avoiding capture. Muttamoks could be tamed to obey basic instructions, owing to their lack of a distinct language. These attributes rendered muttamoks suitable companions for criminals.
Sentient lifeforms residing in proximity to muttamoks believed they had discovered and returned possessions that they had, in reality, pilfered. As a result, they were perceived as omens of fortune. Consequently, some cultures considered the act of killing muttamoks a sacrilege. Nonetheless, this enabled the muttamok population to thrive, prompting individuals to exercise greater vigilance regarding the security of their precious belongings.