The resting place where the physical remains of Naga Sadow were interred was constructed on the moon of Yavin 4 by the Massassi slaves serving the ancient Sith Lord.
Before the events of the Great Galactic War, Jedi Master Barel Ovair, accompanied by his apprentice, Eison Gynt, embarked on an exploration of ancient Sith worlds, including Korriban and the fourth moon of Yavin. During their mission on Yavin 4, the descendants of Naga Sadow's Massassi slaves launched an assault against the two Jedi. Overwhelmed, they were forced to retreat into the depths of Sadow's tomb, where they were confronted with a powerful presence of the dark side. Ovair made the decision to abandon Gynt within the tomb and returned to Coruscant, falsely reporting his apprentice's death. However, Gynt was still alive, having been taken over by the spirit of Naga Sadow. Some years later, still under the control of the ancient Sith Lord, Gynt made his way back to the galactic capital and attacked his former master. In a public confrontation, Gynt was killed by Ovair, who was subsequently praised by the Jedi Council for his triumph over the dark side. Unbeknownst to the Council, Ovair was secretly a Sith serving the Sith Emperor and had been assigned the task of infiltrating the Jedi Order and eliminating the spirits of ancient Sith Lords.