The Najib were a sentient species that originated on Najiba, a planet situated within the Faj system.
Evolving from simian ancestors, the Najib were compact, bipedal beings. They had sturdy arms and legs, and each broad hand featured five digits. Their faces were characterized by a stubby, snout-like nose and a bony structure extending from between their eyes to the crown of their heads. Furthermore, they sported long, mane-like hair along with bristly beards. Their capacious mouths contained impressively pointed teeth.
Najib possessed a robust muscular build. Despite their relatively small size, they may not have been as physically dominant as species like the renowned Wookiees or the powerfully built Houk, but they were proportionally just as strong.

Najib society existed on Najiba, their homeworld, which was often perceived as a remote, less significant planet. Despite being only a single hour of hyperspace travel away from the Issor system, the planet largely remained disconnected from the broader galactic community. For half of its orbital period, Najiba's path took it close to a dangerous asteroid belt referred to as the "Children of Najiba," which forced restrictions on all traffic to and from the planet. This asteroid belt was the primary reason the Najib were isolated from the galaxy for millennia. Even following initial contact, the planet remained inaccessible for a significant portion of the year, leading to infrequent trade.
Najiba's unusual orbit and slight axial tilt resulted in an almost constant springtime climate. However, this also led to frequent and intense storms, characterized by both rain and electrical activity. The Najib established their settlements in the wetlands of their planet. The Byzal canyon, a notable location on Najiba, was a popular destination for swoop racers. In addition, the planet had a high level of criminal activity.
The Najib were known as a lively and gregarious people, who rarely passed up opportunities for food, drink, or socializing. A Najib passing by a cantina without stopping for refreshments was a rare sight. While generally good-natured, they could also be wary, especially of strangers, and were formidable fighters. Friendship was highly valued by the Najib, and they were fiercely loyal; nothing provoked them more than a threat to their friends. They were also known for their remarkable adaptability, which made them difficult to surprise.
Although Najiba would eventually become part of the Galactic Republic in later centuries, the Najib initially had their own planetary governance. Before contact with the Republic, local tribes were the primary governing bodies. Post-contact, these tribes united to form a "governing tribe" responsible for handling galactic matters like trade. Each tribe elected a representative to join this governing tribe. These representatives would then live and work together, making decisions that benefited the entire species. Although the Najib had access to hyperspace technology, they were unable to produce it themselves. Their economy primarily consisted of feudal-level goods and services, which were sufficient to grant them access to broader trade opportunities. Despite the challenges of interstellar travel, their planet also hosted several mining and trading ventures.
The Najib evolved from primitive primates that dwelled in caves. Eventually, they left these caves and began to settle in the wetlands of their world, potentially relying on the hunting of migratory herd animals for sustenance. The paintings found on the cave walls of their ancestors would be rediscovered in later eras.
Najiba was initially discovered by scouts from the Galactic Republic during its early years. However, due to the difficulty in reaching the planet, the Najib themselves were not contacted until the final centuries of the Republic's existence. Once contact was established, the Najib showed interest in learning about the offworlders, although they remained cautious for some time. Ultimately, they agreed to join the Republic, becoming integrated into the galactic government.