Neeamesh Dym, the original pilot, designer, and engineer of the Dusty Duck, was a man of many talents.
A pilot and smuggler from Pa'lowick, he raised his daughter, Aneesa Dym, on Nar Shaddaa, the Smugglers' Moon, where he imparted his knowledge of the smuggling business to her. He constructed a light freighter of his own unique design, which he affectionately called Dusty Duck, a rather large and beat-up vessel. Despite its tendency to make frequent, dusty crash landings on remote planets due to its limited flight endurance, Aneesa's father held a deep affection for it. He often remarked, "Duck isn't really built for extended flight."
Once Aneesa reached adulthood, she took over the piloting duties of the Duck for her father's smuggling operations, until a dissatisfied customer betrayed him, fatally stabbing the elder Pa'lowick. Following her father's death, Aneesa embarked on a journey across the galaxy aboard the Dusty Duck, driven by a desire for vengeance.
Ultimately, a bounty hunter named Rango Tel apprehended the perpetrator, thereby restoring the smuggler's honor and forging a lasting friendship with his daughter.
The character of Neeamesh Dym was conceived by Greg Mitchell, also known as Hedec Ga, a member of Hyperspace, as part of the Dusty Duck narrative for the What's The Story? initiative featured on