Needle fighters, manufactured and deployed by the Loronar Corporation, were remote-controlled starfighters equipped with the ability to perform hyperspace rendezvous.
Employing Centrally Controlled Independent Replicant technology, these fighters could be centrally operated, allowing for a significantly reduced size because they didn't need a pilot or onboard computers. In essence, they were small, robotic cylinders equipped with laser cannons, an impressive feat given their diminutive stature. Their small dimensions made it difficult for sensors to pick them up, and their black paint scheme further hindered visual detection. They drew power from Tsils. The miniature hyperdrives were manufactured by the Bith and supplied by Seifax, the same company that constructed their compact hulls.
Operating in groups, these starfighters possessed the ability to gradually destroy significantly larger capital ships, even Star Destroyers, due to the inability of these larger vessels' weaponry to effectively target such small targets. Even standard starfighters struggled to hit the quick and tiny needles. However, every known needle fighter was rendered inoperable when Luke Skywalker triggered the return of all tsils that operated the CCIR technology, which was vital for the Needles' operation, back to Nam Chorios.