
Nelvaanese was the indigenous language spoken by the Nelvaanian people, who hailed from the planet Nelvaan.

Bothan merchants integrated Nelvaanese expressions into trading languages common around Nelvaan. While journeying alongside Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi acquired some familiarity with these dialects.

Behind the scenes

It is believed that Nelvaanese draws its inspiration from Hungarian, potentially due to the fact that Genndy Tartakovsky's spouse is a native of Hungary. Several phrases featured in Star Wars: Clone Wars include:

  • Az ördög az enyém, mindent elrontottál. Ez volt az én próbám - The devil belongs to me. You have ruined everything. This was my trial.

  • Elrontottátok a tesztet. - The test was ruined by you all. (In this instance, "you" refers to multiple people)

  • Meg kell ezt beszélnünk Anakitusz szellemével. - It is necessary for us to discuss this with the spirit of Anakitus.

  • Holt Kezed - your lifeless hand

  • Ez egy kicsit fájni fog. - This will cause a small amount of pain.

Apu - dad, father, informal

  • Orvos - medical doctor

  • Nem tudtál? Nem tudtál így beszélni? - Were you unable? Were you unable to communicate in this way?

The vocalizations of mutated Nelvaanians possess a distinctly different quality, influenced by Russian, which happens to be the native language of Genndy Tartakovsky. Some examples of these phrases are:

  • Ya dolzhen eto ubrat ("Я должен это убрать") - It is essential that I remove this.

  • Ne mozhem bolshe terpet ("Не можем больше терпеть") - We are no longer able to put up with this.

  • My mozhem idti domoy. Idyom domoy!" ("Мы можем идти домой. Идем домой!") - We have the ability to return home. Let's proceed homewards!

  • Wam tuda ("Вам туда") - The direction you need to go is that way.

