Nervous system

ChubbitNervousSystem-TheReturnOfBenKenobi The Iron Tower's emissions had a detrimental impact on Chubbit nervous systems.

The electro-neural system, also referred to as the nervous system, functioned as a key anatomical element for certain biological species.

Back in 22 BBY, Anakin Skywalker proposed deploying RX-200 Falchion-class assault tanks with the aim of inducing a short-circuit within the Zillo Beast's nervous system. This was intended to facilitate its transportation to Coruscant. Despite the initial success of Skywalker's strategy, the Beast managed to escape its containment structure, leading to a destructive rampage across Coruscant's urban landscape. The chaos only ceased when Republic forces successfully eliminated the creature using Gas bombs.

Concerning the Chubbit species, native to the planet Aridus, their nervous systems exhibited a susceptibility to adverse effects stemming from the Iron Tower. The Iron Tower served as a signal amplifier, power transformer, and power source utilized by the Galactic Empire to counteract atmospheric disruptions on the planet. Exposure to the Iron Tower's output resulted in the impairment of the Chubbit nervous system, potentially causing individuals to collapse or even die.

The Ssi-ruuk's ion paddle beamer functioned by projecting an ion beam onto the nervous system of a target, inducing paralysis to facilitate their live capture.

