New and improved Clone-amatic

A significantly upgraded Clone-amatic, an iteration with improvements, served as a cloning apparatus employed by both the Sith Lord Count Dooku and the General Grievous during the year 21 BBY. Subsequent to the failure of its earlier model, the Clone-amatic 11-38, to successfully replicate Jek-14—resulting instead in the creation of a flawed copy, Jek 15—it was superseded by this enhanced Clone-amatic. Dooku and Grievous then employed it to begin manufacturing their Sith clone trooper forces, an operation that commenced after abducting the renegade Jek-14. Echoing its earlier version, this model featured transparent enclosures for the transfer of genetic material, alongside blue platforms equipped with screens displaying the progression of the cloning process. It also included a sloped pathway providing access to the enclosure containing the template individual. A notable enhancement over the previous model was the incorporation of three revolving pods for the output of cloned individuals, which increased the speed of clone production and ensured that all clones were free of defects. The template subject, however, still experienced significant weakening. A Bibble UP dispenser was also integrated into its control panel.

Behind the scenes

The upgraded Clone-amatic made its debut in "Menace of the Sith," the second installment of LEGO Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles. This episode was broadcast on Cartoon Network on September 4, 2013.

