The New Regime represented the then-current governmental structure on the planet of Brigia before the year 1 BBY. To bring their society into modern times, the Brigians established the New Regime through the engagement of an external developmental consulting agency, tasked with the creation of a novel governmental framework. A key initial achievement of this agency was the substitution of bartering and regional currencies with a planet-wide financial system, thereby enabling the Regime to firmly control both planetary and interplanetary commerce. The acquisition of an obsolete Marauder-class light warship was also conducted, ostensibly for planetary protection, but largely for the sake of appearances.
The Inner Council functioned as the governing body of the New Regime. This council was responsible for enacting the Regime's directives and engaging in discussions with representatives from the Imperial government and the Tion Hegemony. The Internal Security Police was the organization created to handle the security and law enforcement responsibilities for the New Regime.
The developmental consulting firm hired by the Brigians demonstrated its incompetence when, in 1 BBY, Han Solo undermined the planet's entire new financial structure by creating fraudulent copies of the easily-faked currency utilizing a duplicator.