A NewsNets reporter Rather than utilizing the HoloNet, a NewsNet represented a network for information and news distribution that relied on hyperspace courier shuttle or droid transportation. When the Galactic Empire took control of the HoloNet for their own purposes, the former news networks that used the HoloNet started to use this alternative delivery method. Although this caused a significant delay between when news was sent and when it was received, it did allow information to once again reach most areas of the galaxy. The term "NewsNets" was used to describe the collection of both officially approved and unauthorized networks.
- Alderaan Expatriate Network
- Brak Sector News
- Brema News
- Brentaal Trade News
- Colonial News Nets
- Core News Digest
- Corellia Times
- Corellian Sector Newsfeed
- Coruscant Daily Newsfeed
- Cynabar's InfoNet
- Darpa SectorNet
- Galactic Resorts
- Galaxy News Service
- Herglic Trading Journal , Basic Edition
- HoloNet Free Republic
- Human Events Network
- Hypermedia Galactic News Service
- Imperial Defense Daily
- Imperial HoloVision
- Independent Traders' Infonet
- Invisible NewsStack
- Nal Hutta Kal'tamok , Basic Edition
- New Order Progressive
- NovaNetwork
- Sektor 242 NewsLine
- TriNebulon News