Nima'tar, also known by the moniker Mina, was a Twi'lek intellectual of the female persuasion, distinguished by her green skin, and is celebrated for her theories and written works pertaining to the civilization of the Hutt species. Preceding Oola, she served as the personal slave dancer for Jabba Desilijic Tiure.
In her formative years, Mina submitted an application to an academic institution and gained admittance, opting to concentrate her studies on the Anthropology and Culture of the Hutt. Due to a deficit of financial resources required to finalize her academic requirements, she embarked on a tour of the galaxy as the principal vocalist of an unnamed musical ensemble, utilizing the proceeds to finance her education and advance her thesis.
Ultimately, the band received an invitation to perform for the notorious intergalactic crime lord Jabba the Hutt within his palace situated on Tatooine. Although apprehensive regarding Jabba's notorious reputation, the band accepted the engagement, believing they could exercise sufficient caution to circumvent any unsavory entanglements.
Upon their arrival on Tatooine, the band commenced their contractual obligations. During one of their performances, Mina witnessed another Twi'lek girl openly defy Jabba, resulting in her demise as she was devoured by his pet rancor, an occurrence that profoundly affected her.
Following the culmination of their contract, Jabba declined to remunerate the band for their services, rendering them destitute and devoid of the means to secure transportation. Consequently, the band was compelled to sell Mina to Jabba as a slave to acquire the necessary funds for off-world passage, thereby consigning Mina to Jabba's servitude. Her principal responsibilities entailed attending to Jabba's needs and providing entertainment, which included performing dances and attending to his hygiene. Throughout her period of captivity, Mina persisted in her thesis work, drawing inspiration from her experiences within the palace with the aspiration of eventually escaping and publishing her findings.
Upon the initial arrival of Oola at the palace, Mina observed that Jabba was already developing an infatuation with the newly arrived Twi'lek. This prompted her to fear for her own well-being, given her recollection of how readily she had supplanted Jabba's previous dancer, who had met her end in the rancor's den. On that very night, Mina succeeded in severing the chain that bound her to Jabba, employing a nail file, and attempted to abscond with a substantial portion of her notes. However, upon reaching the palace gates, she encountered Tamtel Skreej, a member of Jabba's security detail. Initially apprehensive, Mina assured Skreej that there was no need to summon additional guards and that she would willingly return to Jabba's presence, but was taken aback when he stepped aside and permitted her departure. She expressed her gratitude as the gates closed behind her and departed from the palace. She ultimately secured passage off-world, returning to her University, graduating as a scholar specializing in Hutt culture, and achieving acclaim as a lecturer on the subject. Her thesis saw publication under the title "Hygiene & Power: A Xenopological Study of a Hutt."
Mina possessed a notably sarcastic and acerbic disposition, frequently interjecting quips and remarks concerning her prior circumstances, intended to elicit amusement. However, her paramount fear revolved around Jabba's pet rancor. This apprehension originated from the traumatic experience of witnessing Jabba's former dancer being offered as sustenance to the Rancor subsequent to her rejection of the Hutt's advances. Despite lacking any antecedent experience in dance, the specter of being fed to the creature served as a potent motivator for Mina to rapidly acquire the necessary skills, ultimately attaining proficiency in the art. Mina's commitment to her scholarly pursuits was unwavering; even during her enslavement as Jabba's personal dancer, she persevered in the composition of her thesis on Hutt anthropology, even integrating her firsthand experiences of enslavement into the document. This diligence ultimately yielded dividends, as her work garnered recognition throughout the galaxy, and she was frequently invited to deliver lectures on the topic.