The Noehons were sentient arboreal insectoids who originated from Noe'ha'on. Across the galaxy, Noehons gained notoriety as a species involved in both slavery and the slave trade. While their culture was frequently viewed as harsh and savage, Noehons who grew up outside of Noe'ha'on's strict, hierarchical structure demonstrated an aptitude for organization, proving beneficial in technical and bureaucratic roles.
Noehons possessed prominent red compound eyes, with each individual facet catering to a distinct aspect of sight; examples include motion detection or detailed observation of close objects. They were equipped with sizable mandibles, along with a soft, bristly carapace, displaying a mottled green coloration. They ambulated on two legs, and possessed four arms, enabling them to manipulate tools or swing through the jungles of their homeworld. Their adaptation to hanging upside down within trees granted them resistance to disorientation and motion sickness, ailments experienced by certain species in zero-gravity environments.
Each Noehon had a pair of scent glands, positioned on either side of their mouth, which emitted a potent, musky odor. The scent of each Noehon was unique, and they employed it to designate possessions, mark territory, and identify their subordinates. Removing this scent proved challenging, even with repeated washing. Noehons generally exhibited possessiveness, frequently marking items they owned and rarely discarding anything they thought might hold future value. They also exhibited a tendency to meticulously organize their belongings, ensuring everything occupied its designated location.

Noehon society revolved around closely-knit communities known as welds, which could encompass anywhere from a few hundred to ten thousand individuals. A dominant "alpha" male governed each weld. The alpha male's "harem" of females were treated as property, with surplus adolescent females being exchanged with other welds for technology and other valuable items. Some welds resorted to stealing females from smaller, less fortified welds. Female Noehons also established hierarchies, with the oldest females dominating the youngest or most recently captured females.
Upon reaching maturity, adolescent males within the weld were expelled by the dominant male. Elderly male leaders were typically killed by a younger male, who then assumed control of the weld. Despite the strictness of gender roles within the weld, Noehons did not differentiate in their treatment of female and male offworlders. However, they perceived society in a hierarchical manner, even among offworlders, engaging in bullying behavior towards subordinates while exhibiting fear and attempts to appease superiors. Noehons possessed a natural talent for managing others through intimidation.
Noehon males who had never established or gained control of a weld often displayed less domineering behavior and lived a solitary existence on Noe'ha'on. Others ventured offworld to assert their dominance over slaves of different species. Females such as Tir'uh, a leader within the Mytaranor Slaving Council, also departed from their homeworld to participate in the slave trade. Female Noehon slavers sometimes proved to be more cruel masters than their male counterparts, despite typically beginning their own lives as chattel.

The Noehons never independently achieved spaceflight or galactic-level technological advancement. However, they did develop rudimentary industrial technologies powered by wood and fossil fuels. Visiting spacers engaged in trade with the welds, exchanging advanced technology, including blasters and vibroweapons, for Noehon slaves, medicinal products, and natural resources. The influx of advanced weaponry, replacing Noehon slugthrowers, transformed tribal rivalries into violent conflicts that only ceased with the complete annihilation of one weld.
Although the overwhelming majority of Noehons remained on their homeworld, slaves and their descendants were scattered throughout the galaxy. The Noehons demonstrated adaptability to life on numerous planets, including zero-gravity environments. Noehons raised outside of welds exhibited calmer temperaments compared to their homeworld counterparts and were more successful at integrating into the galactic community.
During the Galactic Civil War, the brutal nature of Noehon culture aligned well with the requirements of the Galactic Empire's war efforts. Conversely, other Noehons, particularly those raised outside of welds, utilized their meticulous organizational skills to assist the Alliance to Restore the Republic. One such Noehon was Captain Hark'r, who served as the supply master for the Alliance to Restore the Republic's Home base.