
The Obliterator, an Imperial-class Star Destroyer, operated within the starfleet of the Imperial Remnant. Its service extended to at least fifteen years following the Battle of Endor. This vessel, captained by Trazzen, held the rank of Captain, was one of the four Star Destroyers from the Braxant Sector Fleet – the others being the Relentless, the Tyrannic and the Ironhand – that swore loyalty to a revived Grand Admiral Thrawn, who turned out to be a fraudster named Flim. The Obliterator's assignment was to take advantage of the Caamas Document Crisis, with the goal of instigating a civil war inside the New Republic. To this end, the Obliterator was equipped with a cloaking shield. The intention was to ignite the war above the Bothan home planet of Bothawui, but the scheme failed, which led to orders for the Star Destroyers to withdraw.

