Octuptarra virus

The octuptarra virus, alternatively known as the clone disease, represents one of several pathogenic agents conceived by Separatist scientists during the initial year of the Clone Wars.


This virus was engineered to specifically attack the genetic makeup of the Galactic Republic's clone trooper armies. The Confederacy strategically implemented the virus within aerosol containers situated inside the heads of octuptarra combat tri-droids. These droids were programmed to execute suicide strikes against the core of enemy infantry lines, dispersing a cloud of the infectious agent. While the Republic swiftly created an antidote, the campaign resulted in the droids gaining the moniker "virus droids."

As the war concluded, octuptarra droids carrying the pathogen participated in a Confederate attack targeting Coruscant. Post-battle, remnants of the virus originating from destroyed droids that had descended into the deepest regions of the planetwide city underwent mutation, infecting the Shashay and other avian lifeforms, triggering an outbreak of molting.


  • The New Essential Guide to Droids
