Office of the General

The primary command structure for the Confederacy of Independent Systems Droid Army, supervised by General Grievous throughout the Clone Wars, was the Office of the General, alternatively referred to as the Office of the General of the Separatist Army. A mandate was released by the Office of the General in 21 BBY to improve the security of the homeworlds, triggered by recent penetrations into Neimoidian space conducted by reconnaissance units of the Galactic Republic. Consequently, the Neimoidian Home Defense Legion increased their rate of conscription twofold, and mobilized all reservists for active service to safeguard Neimoidia along with its associated purse worlds from the conflict. Following the Confederacy's capture of Jyvus Space City during the Battle of Duro, Neimoidian irregulars together with battle droids transformed the city into a forward operating base for the Office of the General.

