Ojomian onion

Ojomian onions, found in onion lore, were a component in several recipes at Dex's Diner. This eatery was located on the planet Coruscant. Jettster's menu featured these onions in dishes such as Apple slug stew, Nyork chowder, Fried Nerf steak, Shaak pot roast, "Besalisk's Bellyful" hash, and Gartro egg omelet. Furthermore, they were offered grilled on the Coruscant slider.

Behind the scenes

These onions are referenced in "Dining at Dex's", a Hyperspace exclusive by Gregory Walker. This work portrays the in-universe menu of Dex's Diner. Ojom is a Star Wars galaxy planet and the original homeworld of the Besalisk, Jettster's species. However, a solid link between the food item and the planet remains unconfirmed.


Notes and references
