
Olis, a male Human, was an inmate held within the city of Iziz on the planet Onderon, circa 4000 BBY. As a form of penalty, Olis was slated for banishment into the untamed wilderness beyond Iziz's walls. Prior to Queen Amanoa confirming this judgment, Olis prophesied the downfall of Iziz, asserting it would succumb to the influence of the darkness for a period spanning three hundred years. It's possible he possessed Force-sensitive abilities, given his declaration of perceiving the dark side's presence within the Queen.

These pronouncements by Olis incited fury in the Queen, leading Amanoa to execute the prisoner using a radiant, green-hued sphere of energy. Subsequent to the removal of Olis's corpse from the throne chamber, Ulic Qel-Droma, accompanied by his Jedi comrade, arrived to engage in discussions concerning the Beast Wars.


  • Tales of the Jedi Companion (Initial appearance)

Notes and references
