"Once Bitten": This short comic is featured in Star Wars Tales 12, and it presents a story recounted by Obi-Wan Kenobi about a past experience he and Qui-Gon Jinn had with Aurra Sing.

Han Solo is piloting the Millennium Falcon in the direction of Alderaan, lost in thought within the cockpit. Obi-Wan Kenobi, now an older man, enters and begins to narrate an event involving himself, Qui-Gon Jinn, and the nefarious Aurra Sing.
The Jedi Council had previously received an urgent plea for help from Mana Veridi, a fellow Jedi who had been dispatched to investigate a disturbance on Kwannot. Upon their arrival, Qui-Gon advises Obi-Wan to trust in the Force and remain calm. They soon locate Mana, only to witness her assassination at the hands of Aurra Sing. Aurra then engages Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan in combat, taunting Obi-Wan about his status as a mere Padawan and declaring her intention to target his master. Realizing that she may not easily defeat the pair, she withdraws, taking Mana's lightsaber with her.
Han expresses his skepticism that two Jedi could be challenged by a simple assassin, leading Obi-Wan to reveal that Aurra was once a Jedi who abandoned the Order. Shortly after his tale concludes, Obi-Wan shares his views on the Force, which Han, true to form, dismisses.