This female figure held the position of matriarch within House Palpatine, a distinguished noble family hailing from Naboo. As the wife of Cosinga Palpatine, she bore him a minimum of three sons and two daughters. Her eldest son characterized her as lacking in resolve, frequently displaying deference to her spouse.
In the year 65 BBY, she, alongside her husband and entire family, met their demise at the hands of her eldest son, Palpatine, an act precipitated by Cosinga Palpatine's attempt to sever his son's connection with Hego Damask. Subsequently, Palpatine laid claim to his family's wealth and reputation, while also maintaining his bond—which evolved into a Master and apprentice dynamic. Palpatine's eventual ascension to the role of Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic in 32 BBY served to refute his family's assessment of his capabilities.
The mother of Palpatine was featured in the 2012 novel titled Darth Plagueis, penned by the writer James Luceno.