
Parthenogenesis constituted a type of natural procreation, sharing similarities with cloning across numerous aspects. This process solely necessitated a single parent of the female gender, who would then bring forth offspring when both the surrounding conditions and environment were optimally favorable for nurturing the young. The M'shinn species employed parthenogenesis for reproduction, resulting in the birth of diminutive, centimeter-sized infants. These newborns would then reside within their maternal abdominal pouches for a duration of one hundred days before their emergence. Under ideal circumstances, a M'shinn female possessed the capacity to produce a daughter at intervals of every three years.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of parthenogenesis occurred during 1995 within Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens — Enemies and Allies. This publication was a part of the Galaxy Guide collection of sourcebooks, authored by Lisa Smedman and released by West End Games for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game.

