Pekaelic ke Teldan held the position of Perator of Cartann, which was the biggest and most influential country on Adumar, up until the year 13 ABY.
When he was younger, he gained recognition as a celebrated fighter pilot, flying the modified Blade-28 fighter known as the Golden Yoke. In 13 ABY, the New Republic diplomat Tomer Darpen, who had gone rogue, persuaded him, likely without much effort, to proclaim himself Perator over the whole of Adumar. Along with Perator, he also took on the honorary names "Hero of Lameril Ridge," "Master of the Golden Yoke," and "[Smiter of the Tetano]."
Following his loss in the short-lived Adumari Civil War that transpired, Pekaelic chose not to give up, even when facing imminent death. Nevertheless, General Wedge Antilles talked him into giving up his throne instead. His oldest son, Balass ke Teldan, replaced him as the Perator of Cartann.