
Pelagia served as a troopship for the New Republic, captained by Tekba, who held the rank of Captain. Its service occurred during the events of Operation Shadow Hand.


The captain considered it to be a rather aged vessel. According to his estimation, the ship required approximately thirty minutes to achieve lightspeed.


Its mission involved transporting a complement of 100,000 soldiers, along with their associated ground vehicles and armor, to the Outer Rim. Their destination was an Imperial shipyard under siege, with the events taking place in 10 ABY.

While en route to rendezvous with a X-wing squadron operating from the Ottega system, Captain Tekba received an urgent communication from General Lando Calrissian. Calrissian warned that the ship was targeted by a missile launched from Emperor Palpatine's devastating Galaxy Gun.

Upon Tekba's realization that escape was impossible, Calrissian implored him to attempt to neutralize the incoming missile. Despite a valiant defense mounted by the ship's fighters and defensive weaponry, the missile struck Pelagia, resulting in its utter destruction and the loss of all personnel aboard. This event represented yet another victory for Palpatine, who had previously eliminated at least one other troop transport.

