Pelko bug

Dwelling exclusively beneath the sandy expanses of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban, Pelko bugs were diminutive beings, their bodies entirely enshrouded by countless microscopic spines. These barbs were capable of piercing even armored defenses, injecting a paralytic and blistering venom. These creatures exhibited a unique predilection for Force-sensitives, hunting and ambushing their chosen victims within the shadows. Their sensitivity to the Force enabled them to discern the suitability of potential targets, a fact Darth Bane discovered during his exploration of the Valley when they deemed him too formidable to assault. Due to the toxin's effects mirroring the sensation of lightsaber-inflicted limb loss, the barbs found utilization in the construction of training sabers at the Sith Academy.

Behind the scenes

The term "Pelko" translates to "fear" within the Finnish language.

