
The Perkles were a type of mammal that originated from the Forest Moon of Endor, and were classified as a species. One afternoon, Wicket Wystri Warrick, the youthful Ewoks Princess Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, Teebo, and Latara stumbled upon a perkle that was caught in a trap belonging to Dr. Raygar. As Teebo was warming up to try and raise the mechanism, he unintentionally shoved Latara into the path of the trap's entrance. The unfamiliar contraption sprang to life, pulling the unlucky Ewok into the unbreakable bubble, where she became confined with the perkle. Following this, Teebo readied a magical incantation using a powdery substance. Regrettably, the powder was blown into the trap, yet it managed to obliterate it from within, liberating both Latara and the perkle.

