A Bothan male named Pers'lya, who was a politician, ascended to the position of Supreme Chancellor within the Galactic Republic around the year 12,000 BBY. By 11,987 BBY, the humanocentric religious organization known as Pius Dea orchestrated Pers'lya's impeachment, with the intention of installing their follower, Contispex I, into the chancellorship. Following his removal from office, Pers'lya was assassinated, paving the way for Contispex to assume the office of Supreme Chancellor, after which he would initiate the events known as the Pius Dea Crusades.
Pers'lya, identified as a Bothan male, was a politician from the planet of Bothawui. He held a seat in the Galactic Senate, the governing body overseeing the Galactic Republic. He successfully campaigned for the Office of the Supreme Chancellor sometime prior to 12,000 BBY. However, in 11,987 BBY, the Senate impeached Pers'lya during his tenure, a result of manipulations by the conspiratorial and theocratic sect referred to as the Pius Dea, whose ideology placed a strong emphasis on humanocentrism.
Following his impeachment, Pers'lya was subsequently assassinated. His successor, Contispex I, a devout member of the Pius Dea religion, capitalized on the internal strife within the Hutt Empire that arose in the aftermath of the Hutt Cataclysms. In 11,965 BBY, Contispex sanctioned a full-scale invasion of Hutt Space by the Republic, which was under the control of the Pius Dea, thereby commencing the Pius Dea Crusades.
Many years after Pers'lya's death, the ousted Chancellor was referenced within the historical piece titled "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji: A Cartel of Genes," penned by the historian Gabrel Treon. This article saw publication around 104 ABY within the Byblos Journal of Historical Science.
The first mention of Pers'lya occurred in the 2009 narrative Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji, authored by Nathan O'Keefe for the Hyperspace section on StarWars.com.