
Peshosloc was a holowright who existed from 15,762 BBY to 15,609 BBY. He penned Xim at Vontor and over ninety additional holoplays concerning Xim the Despot; these were a part of the extensive literary project called The Despotica. His writing was done in Mid-Galactic Standard.

In contrast to Lyechusas, a previous author for Despotica, Peshosloc favored grand spectacles over poetic language. These spectacles included starship battles, exploding moons, and wars that encompassed entire solar systems. He achieved broad appeal for the Despotica by never condescending to his audience. He was the most commercially successful writer included in The Despotica.

Peshosloc's agreement required that every holo adapted from his scripts feature subtitles stating "based on a true story." This led many viewers to believe in the historical accuracy of the content, despite it often being quite inaccurate. Even millennia later, holos continued to be produced from Peshosloc's scripts, and they continued to achieve great box office success.


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