Plagen, a world located within the Expansion Region and situated along the Enarc Run, was a planet described in Legends continuity. This planet featured elevated plateaus dotted with lakes and vibrant yellow grasslands, contrasting with its arid low-lying plains.
Positioned where the Hydian Way intersects with the Enarc Run, the spaceport city of TreeLeaf thrives on the Celdas plateau as a modern hub of activity. The indigenous Chikarri, small and furry beings, reside in spherical treehouses interconnected by elevated pathways.
In 500 BBY, upon the planet's initial discovery, the rights to operate its spaceport were acquired by the Klatooinian Trade Guild. Plagen served as the central operational base for Treeker Security Systems, Boyd's Be-There-In-A-Minute Delivery Service, and Chirrit & Chirrit Locks, Vaults, and Safes.
During the period of the Clone Wars, the First Battle of Plagen occurred on this planet. Before the conflict, a tactical droid eliminated Kerkoiden General Piar Nagelsa because tactical droids tended to struggle with taking orders from organic commanders. Subsequently, the droid disregarded the general's strategic plans, which ultimately resulted in a victory for the Separatist forces.