Poison ivy

Poison ivy, a rash-inducing plant, thrived in bush form on the Forest Moon of Endor. During a fishing trip with his younger sister, Winda, the Ewok Wicket Warrick found himself in a prickly situation. The young wokling Winda accidentally dropped her rod near a poison ivy bush. In his attempt to retrieve it, Wicket inadvertently brushed against the plant, only for Winda to playfully reveal its identity, leading to an itchy consequence. Upon their return home, Shodu, their mother, instructed Wicket to seek a remedy for the rash from Logray, the tribe's medicine man. Logray administered a potion, effectively alleviating Wicket's itch and inducing a profound sleep.

Behind the scenes

Wicket Goes Fishing: An Ewok Adventure, a 1986 picture book penned by Melinda Luke and brought to life with illustrations by A. O. Williams, featured poison ivy.

